Say goodbye to unused subscriptions that are just collecting digital dust.

Imagine being a master negotiator, armed with the valuable knowledge of what your business truly needs. With Stackdeck, we’ll be ready to negotiate like a pro, streamline your spending, and make your wallet happier than ever before! (And we'll be right there by your side, always helping you score the best deals for your buck).

Seem too good to be true? Well, it ain’t. Why don’t you check it for yourself? ↴

I want a free analysis

Drop 'em like they're hot!

We'll guide you through the process of cleaning up your underutilized SaaS, making sure you're only paying for the tools you love and actually use. Ah yes… did we mention we've got some killer optimization tricks up our sleeves too? Looking to bring in a new app? Just let us know and we'll work our magic to bring it to you at the best possible rate. Working with Stackdeck feels like having a personal shopping assistant, but for SaaS and with better discounts.

Now, let's talk about staying ahead of the game.

Auto-renewal traps? Not on our watch! We'll be your trusty partner, giving you a heads-up when your renewals are approaching. This means no more unexpected charges or budget constraints.

Let us do the procurement

We go beyond numbers and delve into the good stuff, wielding the magic of procurement to get the best BANG for your buck. You can supply us with your first quote and let us negotiate a better deal or our SaaS experts can work directly with your vendors to get the best deal possible for you. No need for you to worry about anything.

Oh, and did we mention financial forecasting? Yep, we've got that covered too.

Whether you're a CFO, COO, CTO or an engineering manager, we'll help you predict the future of your SaaS spending. We’ll act like your financial crystal ball, showing you exactly how much you'll be spending your budget in the next 12 months taking your current pace of growth into consideration.

Get a free savings analysis

Let's conquer the world of procurement and licensing together. It's time for you to save money on SaaS spendings, negotiate like a champ, and make your finances bloom.

Time to Be Blown Away.
Meet the Stackdeck Dashboard

Stackdeck was born out of love, hard work, and a deep passion to remove the inefficiencies in both your
SaaS utilization AND expenses.

Built in Amsterdam
Built in constant collaboration with customers
Simply, beautiful.
Estimate my SavingsStackdeck dashboard