Discover 39.000+ apps
in our ecosystem.

Integrate with everything

Single Sign-on (SSO)
HRIS & Accounting
App Library
+ 39.000

Streamline all your SaaS data into one platform

Discover your apps
Usage insights for apps & employees
Automate contract management
Track spend for apps & employees
Enable automated on- and offboarding

Single Sign-on (SSO)

No more playing hide-and-seek with your company's app usage — Stackdeck is here to turbocharge your quest! We make app usage discovery a piece of cake by teaming up with popular SSO solutions like Google Workspace, Microsoft Azure, and Okta.
Identity Management
Data Provider

HRIS & Accounting

Stackdeck is armed with the tools to help you become a trusted data master. Simply put, integrations with HRIS systems such as HiBob, Workday, Bamboo, AFAS, Gusto & many more, Accounting systems such as Xero, Exact Online, Visma, NetSuite & much more provide us with invaluable info that allows us to create a data mesh that works like an x-ray of your apps.
Data Provider

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