Getting started

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in no time

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Dedicated & personal onboarding
Up and running in no time
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Frequently asked questions

Can I try Stackdeck for free?

Yes, we offer a free plan with a lot of features. The free plan will give you all the power you need to run a smooth SaaS driven business.

What do I need to get started?

Trust, SSO and wifi. Create an account in no time, connect with our integrations, and get up and running within minutes.

What’s the onboarding like?

Our onboarding process is highly efficient, providing assistance at every step to ensure your seamless experience.

Can Stackdeck help us with procurement?

Stackdeck is fully equipped to support all your procurement needs. Leveraging data from SSO, HRIS, and Accounting integrations, we possess comprehensive insights on app usage, ensuring we are well-prepared for any procurement scenario.

Does Stackdeck make deals with partners to promote their software?

We prioritize transparency and will always be on your side, not theirs. Our commitment is to help you optimize SaaS within your company. We will always provide you with the best deals possible.

Still have questions?

Feel free to ask us anything; we're here and eager to provide answers.

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