Figma vs Adobe Xd

August 21, 2023
Figma vs Adobe Xd

The design has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of diverse industries, with tools such as Figma and Adobe XD redefining how professionals craft visual content. Both Figma and Adobe XD wield formidable capabilities that cater to designers, developers, and collaborative teams. In this article, we'll delve into a comprehensive comparison of Figma and Adobe XD, highlighting their common and unique features, pricing structures, ease of use, and support options. By the end of this article, you'll have a clearer understanding of which design tool aligns better with your needs and preferences.

Features Comparison

Common Features

Both Figma and Adobe XD share a plethora of essential features that are integral to the design process:

  • Artboard-based Design: Both tools use the concept of artboards to create designs for various screen sizes and devices.
  • Vector Graphics: Figma and Adobe XD provide advanced vector drawing tools for creating scalable and high-quality graphics.
  • Prototyping: You can create interactive prototypes with transitions and animations on both platforms to visualize user experiences.
  • Responsive Design: Design layouts that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Collaboration: Both tools offer real-time collaboration, enabling multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously.
  • Asset Libraries: Maintain libraries of design elements, such as icons and UI components, for consistent design throughout projects.

Unique Features

Figma's Unique Features

  • Web-Based Collaboration: Figma's cloud-based platform allows teams to collaborate in real time, making it an excellent choice for remote teams.
  • Multiplayer Editing: Multiple users can work on the same design simultaneously, making collaboration smoother.
  • Version History: Figma keeps track of design iterations, enabling you to revert to previous versions if needed.

Adobe XD's Unique Features

  • Voice Prototyping: Adobe XD supports voice interactions, allowing designers to create voice-enabled prototypes.
  • Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud: If you're already part of the Adobe ecosystem, XD seamlessly integrates with other Adobe apps like Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Auto-Animate: Adobe XD's auto-animate feature simplifies creating animations between artboards.


  • Figma: Operates on a freemium model, granting access to core features at no cost, albeit with project limitations. Their Professional plan, priced at $12 per editor per month, unlocks a spectrum of benefits. These encompass boundless projects, version history tracking, and supplementary collaboration functionalities that streamline teamwork.
  • Adobe XD: Starts at $9.99 per month for individual users. This package provides unlimited design projects and sharing capabilities. Adobe further offers XD as an integral facet of its Creative Cloud subscription, encompassing a suite of other Adobe applications.


The realm of user-friendliness is where Figma and Adobe XD each unfurl their distinct merits.


Figma's user interface is not only intuitive but also web-based, offering the advantage of accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection. This web-based approach enables easy collaboration among team members, making it an excellent choice for remote and distributed teams. Figma's features are thoughtfully designed to foster seamless teamwork and efficient design workflows. Its drag-and-drop functionality and real-time collaboration capabilities contribute to a user-friendly experience.

Adobe XD

If you're already familiar with Adobe's suite of products, Adobe XD's interface will likely feel like a natural extension of your design toolkit. Designed to align with the aesthetics of other Adobe applications, XD offers a robust set of tools for creating stunning designs and interactive prototypes. However, Adobe XD might present a steeper learning curve for beginners who are not accustomed to Adobe's design software. The interface's familiarity could be an advantage for experienced Adobe users but may require some adaptation for those new to the Adobe ecosystem.

In summary, Figma's intuitive web-based interface excels in enabling collaborative design work, particularly for remote teams, while Adobe XD offers a comprehensive set of tools that may be more familiar to existing Adobe users but could pose a slight learning curve for newcomers. Your choice between the two will depend on your team's skill level, familiarity with design software, and preferences for accessibility and collaboration.


Figma and Adobe XD both recognize the significance of offering robust support tailored to their users' distinct needs.


Figma channels its customer support predominantly through email correspondence and an active community forum. Should you encounter hurdles or inquiries, reaching out to their support team via email will yield timely assistance. Figma's community forum serves as a vibrant hub where users interact, share insights, and extend assistance to one another. Additionally, Figma provides an expansive repository of documentation and resources, serving as a valuable self-help reservoir. This well-structured documentation covers an array of tool aspects, empowering users to address issues and explore features independently.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD takes a multifaceted approach to support. Users can access customer support through multiple conduits, including email, chat, and phone interactions. This versatile range of communication avenues ensures users can opt for the method that best aligns with their preferences when seeking aid. As part of the Adobe ecosystem, XD users gain access to a vast knowledge base. This extensive resource repository encompasses tutorials, guides, articles, and troubleshooting tips. This ecosystem-wide knowledge base is particularly beneficial for users who are familiar with other Adobe software and want a consistent support experience across their design tools.

To recap, Figma's support framework relies on email correspondence, an interactive community forum, and all-encompassing documentation, catering to users who prefer autonomous issue resolution and community engagement. Conversely, Adobe XD's support offerings span email, chat, and phone interactions, harnessing the wealth of the Adobe knowledge base to deliver a comprehensive support encounter for both seasoned and neophyte Adobe users. Your selection of the preferred support model might hinge on your communication inclinations and the extent of autonomy you desire while grappling with challenges or acquainting yourself with fresh features.


In the ultimate showdown between Figma and Adobe XD, both contenders unveil their remarkable prowess tailored to designers and teams. Figma's standout feature is its web-based real-time collaboration, an attribute that shines especially bright for dispersed teams. Conversely, Adobe XD seamlessly integrates into the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem, presenting an added convenience for those already entrenched in the Adobe realm.

When selecting between the two, consider factors like your team's collaboration needs, familiarity with design tools, and budget constraints. Regardless of your choice, both Figma and Adobe XD are formidable assets in the world of modern design, enabling professionals to bring their creative visions to life with precision and innovation.

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