Invoices tab, and user management improvements

April 22, 2024
Invoices tab, and user management improvements

Feature update time 🚀

Yes all it’s time again, for yet another amazing feature update. This time mainly focussed on getting more grip on your financial spending.

Invoice tab

In the dashboard we already show a nice overview of the exact software spend if you’ve either uploaded financial statements, or you’ve integrated with one of our Accounting API’s. Right now we’ve improved visibility even more with the invoices tab. Within this tab, you can select a timeframe and see exactly what invoices belong to what subscription.

This tab contains:

  • Effortless time framing with the calendar
  • Possibility to sort the invoices based on date and amount
  • Possibility to immediately go to the subscription in the right panel.

This feature is 1 step closer to giving you full grip on your software spend

View invoices

In the dashboard, if you now hover over the Total spend section, you see exactly per month how many invoices are connected with also the direct possibility to see all the invoices from that month. Simply press the ‘view invoices’ button, and you will automatically be redirected to the invoices tab with the correct time frame selected.

Possibility to add department to user

Every person within a company works within a certain department. It is now possible to add a department to a user. Also within the user overview, you immediately see what at what department a certain user belongs to.
But also within the department section you can now see within a blink of an eye what users actually belong to that department.

Deactivate user

Has a colleague left? Right now there is the possibility to deactivate a user. Simply go to the user tab, select the user, go to the action tab and there you find the possibility to deactivate the user. Within the user tab there is also immediately an easy overview of what users are active and not.

That was it for now. Stay tuned so you don’t miss anything. If you have any ideas or feature requests also do not hesitate to contact us. We’re always on the lookout for improvements.

Ciao for now,

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