Quick Actions, Advanced Filtering and more!

April 3, 2024
Quick Actions, Advanced Filtering and more!

Good day everyone!

It's that time of the week again – feature update time! 🚀
As always, we haven't been sitting still. Lately, we've not only introduced a range of new features that significantly improve the time it takes to complete your Stackdeck account, but we've also notably accelerated existing pages to enhance the overall experience, making it faster and more efficient.

Quick Actions:

It's important that all your company's subscriptions contain the necessary information for Stackdeck to maximize its potential. Hence, we've introduced Quick Actions in the dashboard menu. Now, with just a couple of clicks, you can select departments, Gatekeepers, and Budget Owners for your subscriptions within mere seconds.

Advanced Filtering:

In the Subscriptions menu, we've added the ability to easily filter by departments, Budget Owners, Gatekeepers, and status. Now, you can effortlessly select and deselect multiple filters to enhance your subscription experience.

Improved Loading Subscriptions Page:

At Stackdeck, we understand the significance of a smooth and fast-working platform. Therefore, we've invested time in improving the loading time of the subscriptions page. It's now faster and more efficient, enabling you to set up your company for success seamlessly.

In the upcoming month, we have something massive planned for you all once again. It's an absolute game-changer in the software management industry that no other company offers. Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter to ensure you won't miss out on this.

Enjoy your weekends!

Yours truly,

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